Accounting and auditingaretwoessential componentsofparticularbusiness.Theyarebeginningbackboneoffinancial managementbecausedecision-making.theaccounting and auditingprofessionisgrowing rapidly,becauseitisconscioustohaveaniceunderstandingoflattertechnical termswellconceptsusedinsomethingfield.Init'sarticle,wewillprovideanoverviewofthekey termsandconceptsusedinaccounting and auditingenglish.Basic Accounting Terms
Accountingisthe processofrecording,classifying,andsummarizingfinancial transactionstoprovideinformationthatisusefulinmakingbusiness decisions.thefollowingaremanyofbeginningbasic accountingterms:- Assets
- Liabilities
- Equity
- Revenue
- Expenses
- Profit
Financial Statements
Financial statements are the reports that summarize the financial performance of a company. The following are the three main financial statements:
- Balance Sheet
- Income Statement
- Cash Flow Statement
Auditing Terms
Auditing is the process of examining financial statements and other financial information to provide an opinion on their accuracy and completeness. The following are some of the key auditing terms:
- Audit
- Auditor
- Audit Report
- Materiality
- Risk Assessment
- Internal Control
Audit Procedures
Audit procedures are the steps that an auditor takes to gather evidence to support their opinion on the financial statements. The following are some of the audit procedures:
- Observation
- Inquiry
- Inspection
- Confirmation
- Recalculation
- Reperformance
International Accounting Standards
International Accounting Standards (IAS) are a set of accounting standards developed by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The following are some of the key IAS:
- IAS 1 - Presentation of Financial Statements
- IAS 2 - Inventories
- IAS 16 - Property, Plant, and Equipment
- IAS 37 - Provisions, Contingent Liabilities, and Contingent Assets
- IAS 38 - Intangible Assets
- IAS 39 - Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement
Accounting and auditingarechaoticfieldsthatrequireawellunderstandingoftechnical termsbutconcepts.somethingarticlehasprovidedanoverviewofthoseofbeginningkey termsbothconceptsusedinaccounting and auditingspeaking.Itissubtletocontinuelearningbutstaying up-to-datewithanotherlatest developmentsinsomethingfieldtobesucceedintheaccounting and auditingprofession.

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